Spend some time alone, getting ready for the day

The title, is the lyrics of the song, ‘Chamber of Reflection’ by Mac DeMarco. The song overall gives you that lonely feeling, but this line on its own I feel can be taken out of context.

Morning is the time to chillax a bit in a seemingly unchill world. If you have to work at 9 and you wake up at 7 you have to do everything fast. But if you just layback, wake up an hour early, drink your tea, or coffee, read a book, wonder about the day etc etc, all alone, what can be better than that?

I feel the mood of the morning decides the whole day. If you are all rush in the morning, then you work or go to school, then when you come home in the evening you have 0 will to live let alone do something productive. Maybe you can sleep a little early this week and wake up an hour before, maybe the calmness of mornings will give you the peace you require for the whole day.

So, if you are someone who doesnt have a hectic morning schedule, do try and wake up a bit early and sit down and wonder about life. Maybe jot down the goals you are setting for yourselves for the day.

Thank you for reading <3

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