I still remember the times,When i used to go there,Enjoy the spicy dosa-chutney,Sit on the stairs,Eat the dish cooked with love,Rice-rasam and gravy, Time seemed to slow back then,No worries, no stress,Just me with her,I miss those times,I walked for 7 minutes to reach her,I never appreciated those 7 minutes, Now it takes an hour…
My dislikes
I dislike the first 25 pages of my textbook,Leaving me with a bad taste,And a whole lot of nothing,But I dislike a lot of things, I dislike the sun,It leaves me all sweaty and hot,Uncomfortable and mad,But I dislike a lot of things, I dislike the modern world,The overstimulated me left over,After the devices have…
A burdened man
Since I was born I was told,A prophecy was going to unfold,It concerned me, apparently,To be a great leader,To be a strong willed man,They looked at the stars,Then looked at me,Said they saw the future in me,I only smiled,Cause what else could i do,How could I tell them I didn’t know what path to walk,The…
Another world…
Who is a hero?The one who sacrifices himself?The one who is brave?The one who has it all?Or the one who smiles at the toughest times? Whatever being a hero is,I cannot be one,I for one, am not courageous,I cannot glue the horrors in people’s life into an ideal world…I cannot say bye bye to everyones…
When I’m older
What do I want to become,I ask myself this sitting idly by,Never too sure but never unsure either,Constant pondering along the river of Life,My boat rocks as the river diverges into two,Which path will i take?Which will make me be me,Which path will make me be proud of myself,Which one will make me hate myself,I…
A state of confusion
There once lived a boy,The boy had two teachers,One taught yin,The other taught yang,On and on the year went,Tests were taken,F’s given to the boy,The boy was destined to fail they said.What they didn’t understand is,If both teachers taught the same thing in a different manner, How come they expect the boy to understand both,When…